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Holla from Lisbon my loves! Hope you are all just being fabulous.

This year has been my year for sure… I can only say it’s only going to get better and I can only be grateful for what has happened and everything that will be coming in the near future.

I have worked so hard for everything that I own and everything that I have been able to provide for myself and one of the things I treasure the most isn’t materialistic but more of an experience and that is to travel to anywhere I put my mind to.

So far I have been ticking places off my bucket list, starting with Australia and wow was that the trip of a lifetime, then it was Tokyo, Japan, Lisbon , Portugal and South Africa (which I am dying to go back to). Plus so much more that’s on my list that is materialistic and if you follow me on Instagram you would know that I have achieved something I am absolutely proud of which is my beautiful new home! Ahhhhh it’s still surreal knowing that I own a home now at the age of 29! YAY anyway more about that later.

So Lisbon is a dream, I’ve been dreaming of visiting the city for the longest time and have been seeing soo many stunning photos from the city through other travel bloggers and it’s breathtaking. I have to admit walking up and down hose hills wasn’t easy. But the scenery and seeing all the gorgeous tiles on the buildings was worth it.

I wore this dress to one of the most iconic places in Lisbon ,Palacio dos Marqueses de Fornteira , which the owners live in it still, the garden is open all day and you can just visit when you want to without a guide, but if you do want to see the inside of the Palacio dos Marqueses de Fornteira you will need a tour guide and they do close by 2 pm.

I wore this dress that I got from Likely and so many of you kept asking me on where to get it. Likely is one of the many brands that I love to shop from Shopbop. Other similar brands would be OPTKeepsake, Free People and Rahi.

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June 4, 2019
June 25, 2019