So here is to another day, another post and another year older yet I just feel like I’m 21 and apparently people say I look like I’m 15 with no makeup and 18 with. Truth is I’m 28 and it still feels surreal! My mom keeps on repeating these same words to me each year … you would think it’s inspiring but … no it’s not .. her words to me each year since I turned 23 are “when I was your age I had both you and your sister!!” I guess that’s her way of telling me I need to get married. Oh mother!
But, honestly it’s not something I stress over or dwell about. I work hard to live the life that I live and I love every minute of it. At 28 I have seen over 45 countries and over 120 cities and counting! I have been to islands, cities and freezing places. I’ve seen 4 of the world wonders and have been to countless fashion weeks back and front row!!
So tell me, what 28 year old wouldn’t love to love this life?
I have done more with my life than just the superficial things, I have given back to humanity in ways I rather not mention here as I do believe charity is best kept a secret or else is just basically bragging and not self satisfactory.
So what do I plan for the next 365 days of this new age I’m getting into… well .. that’s something you guys will just have to wait and see. I have so much planned and fingers crossed they work out for me!
Nonetheless, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME and to every Aries out there.. i know we are a piece of work and stubborn but her we loove and know how to show everyone a good time!