Holla!! Here is to my first post of Cusco Peru. This is a trip I have been planing and a destination I think like so many of you has been on my list for as long as I could remember.
I’ve wanted to visit for so many reasons and the most obvious one is to make my way to Machu Picchu but after seeing my Instagram feed I think you guys know that I kind of traveled here because of all the cute Alpacas and Llamas. I mean I don’t think I have ever seen anything cuter than them and they are sooo soft and fluffy.
Ok enough about that, I wanted to share this outfit that I wore to dinner one night in Cusco, I found this dress on Shopbop and it’s by Frame and Partners. They have some of the most gorgeous dresses and collection. I mean don’t I look like that dancing girl emoji… I think I could be her.
Anyway, it’s late so I’ll be heading to bed… I’ll be sharing more of my trip to Cusco on the blog but you can check it all out on my Instagram account!